Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving Pics

So, there are some funny stories that go with above moving pics. First, is it not just cute that Kynan is helping Dad spackle the walls? Then the gross-looking carpet pics come with a great story. Kynan was supposed to be napping in our bed, in the next room, while Aaron was painting his room. Mind you, Kynan has always slept in a contained space (i.e. crib, playpen) up until this day because we figured he was not yet ready to be able to get out of bed at will. So, we took a gamble, since our playpen was at Nana and Pappa's house. Aaron finished painting the room and went downstairs to touch-up a different area of the house. He was gone ten minutes, then decided to check on Kynan. He was not in our bedroom. So, Aaron went to look for him, and saw Kynan coming out of the kids' room, with paint on his clothes and legs. Aaron is thinking, whew, minor damage. So, he brings Kynan to me to get cleaned up, then goes and investigates the room. Well, it turned out that Kynan thought he would help daddy by painting on the walls and carpet. If you look hard on the one picture, you can see big globs of paint on the wall, and the pictures don't even show all of the roller marks on the few scraps of carpet left uncovered. I sooo wish we'd had a camera set up in that room. I bet Kynan was really cute trying to paint that room!

The other two pics are from Wyoming (buffalos) and Utah (beautiful mountains). The buffalos were grazing near a rest stop at the edge of Wyoming, near the Utah border. It was REALLY windy all the way through Wyoming, and the truck went very slowly with the headwind. We had an extremely long drive, but it was free of puking, whining, and complaining, and the kids did really really well. A would-be 22 hour drive became about 26 hours thanks to the truck, which was set up by the company to not go over 65 mph, and went much slower than that through the wonderful Wyoming wind.

Happy trails.

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