Wednesday, July 7, 2010



So, the kids and I were sitting in the car at Ikea the other day, waiting for Aaron to run in and pick something up. I noticed a mom and her three teenage kids getting into their minivan. It struck me how big the teens looked in a minivan (I'm used to seeing little kids get into one of those). Then it struck me that my kids are going to be teens one day. And that day isn't very far away. I know I have a newborn, but my oldest daughter is almost six. And I find myself remembering how my parents used to always remark, "You kids are growing so fast!" It's so true. Can Tirzah really be almost 6? Time goes from wandering aimlessly when you are a teen and a young adult to running at breakneck speed once you have kids. They do change fast, and it's wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time.

I was thinking the other day that my favorite seasons are those of transition:spring and fall. My favorite times of day are the same: dawn and sunset. Aaron said it's because those are the most mild seasons and times. I think it also has something to do with the fact that it's happening so quickly and we pay attention because it is going to be gone soon. We love what we can't hold on to. Our kids are like that. We can't hold onto them and we have to remember to pay attention, because they are going to grow and go do what God has made them to do. And I have to cherish all of these fleeting moments, all the little things they say and do. Even the difficult times, because those are what shape their characters--and mine. So, here's to paying attention and building up memories of all those little things that change so quickly.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Family

So I realize I've probably lost any "readership" this blog has since I haven't updated in 6 months. But, I figured this was worth updating, and maybe I'll be a more consistent blog writer. We welcomed our third child to the world 3 1/2 weeks ago. Ariella is a precious, tiny little bundle of joy. She is aptly named. She has been a good, sweet little baby. I think she is going to have my brown eyes, which makes me very excited, as people will then think I am related to at least one of my children (wink). If she ends up having blue eyes like her sibs, though, I will be happy all the same.

In the last six months we also embarked on a newish adventure: homeschooling. After dinking around a little in the homeschool arena (teaching reading to Tirzah, mostly), we actually established a schedule, ordered materials, and joined a Friday homeschool co-op. January through the beginning of May was busy, fun, and adventurous. Tirzah is progressing really well, reading constantly, and loving learning. Kynan learned all about shapes (he can identify a parallelogram, thanks to a shapes game we got sounds very impressive in his little two-year-old voice), puzzles, and he can even identify a handful of letters. The co-op was a fun experience for us as well, and the kids made some friends.

We hit another milestone as a family in April: potty-training Kynan. It was QUITE a process, but managed to be about 85% within about two weeks. He is doing very well now-his aim is occasionally off-and is very proud of himself. I am kicking myself for not blogging that experience...I might've won some kind of award for it. But for those family members who got my potty training chronicles emails, you know what I mean.

So, I am trying to convince myself right now that I will be a better blogger. We'll see if I stick to it, eh? It's kind of fun....not so brief like facebook. It's like a nice long letter to whoever. :0)

Our New Daughter: Ariella Joy Blazis

Born on May 7, 2010 at 4:58 a.m. 5lbs 12 oz, 19 inches

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby Xavia Jayde

These are some pics I took of Cristine's baby, Xavia Jayde. She is a beautiful, healthy newborn with the most precious face.